我们希望你能与你的家人和朋友分享你的毕业典礼. 我们在福布斯校园举行的户外仪式的普通入场座位区不需要门票. However, seating is limited. Seating for the graduate ceremony will open at 5 p.m. Strollers will not be permitted inside the seating area. 想要自带座位的客人可以这样做,并坐在普通入场座位区之外.
In the event of inclement weather, 颁奖典礼将在我们的木兰校区澳门受权博彩网站体育馆举行. An announcement about moving the ceremony will be made by Tuesday, 4月30日, on the 澳门受权博彩网站 website (1.thefurryfam.com) and via student email.
If the ceremony is moved to the TU Gymnasium due to weather, 每位毕业生将获得体育馆入场券2张. Due to a record number of graduating students. only those with tickets will be permitted to enter. Tickets are required for all guests including small children. 由于恶劣天气,一旦决定将仪式转移到室内,您将如何收到门票的信息将通过TU学生的电子邮件进行沟通. 进一步的组装说明将在公告发布时提供.
如果一个毕业生不能出席,毕业生可以将他们的票指定给另一个毕业生. 分发门票的毕业生必须与注册办公室联系 graduation@thefurryfam.com 并指出接收毕业生的姓名和他们希望赠送的门票数量. Tickets will not be given away without this confirmation email.