


Social Work is a diverse and unique profession encompassing the power to make a difference in others’ lives and in communities.  There are many areas where social workers are employed such as mental health, 社会正义, 家庭咨询和立法宣传.  澳门受权博彩网站确保其毕业生具备这些知识, 为个人服务所需的技能和道德, 家庭, 组织和社区.

有关实践领域的更多详细信息,请参阅 信息表.

项目主任:博士. 克里斯·谢恩229-226-1621

Completion of this degree provides students with the ability to pursue a graduate degree in Social Work (MSW) and become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). 学生也可以直接向TU申请 临床康复和心理健康咨询 硕士学位课程.



  • 作文我
  • 作文二世
  • 口头沟通
  • 大学研究
  • 大学代数
  • 社会工作概论
  • 文化的多样性
  • 数学/科学选修课(2节课)
  • 社会科学选修课
  • 文化基础选修课(2门)
  • 创意选修课(2门)


  • 个人社会工作实践
  • “家庭社会工作实务
  • 团体社会工作实践
  • 社区社会工作实践 & 组织
  • 社会环境中的人类行为
  • 人类服务的道德问题
  • 社会福利政策
  • 研究与项目评估
  • 人类性行为
  • 专业的沟通
  • 高级研讨会一
  • 高级研讨会II
  • 开设选修课





爱丁堡工业大学的BSW课程完全由英国国际澳门网络博彩网站协会认证 社会工作及澳门网络博彩网站委员会 (CSWE).

CSWE sets rigorous accreditation benchmarks for all social work programs in the country and is considered the “gold standard” for social work education.

All programs (BSW and MSW) are required to have a field internship component to their curriculum. All BSW programs must have a minimum of 400 hours of field practicum experience.


所有CSWE项目都测量和报告学生的学习成果. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training.

Our assessment is the final evaluation by field placement (internship) supervisors of student performance at the end of the student’s senior year. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency.

Students are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 regarding their overall competency in a given area with:

  • 1 =没有或只有最低限度的能力
  • 2 =一些能力
  • BSW毕业生应有的能力
  • 4 =综合能力的持续展示
  • 5 =胜任行为的榜样

Our benchmark goal in our evaluation is to have 100% of our graduates achieve at least a 3 or above.



澳门受权博彩网站 offers the BSW degree that guarantees you a low student/faculty ratio in your classes and a flexible class schedule designed to accommodate the needs of full-time students and full-time professionals. 我们的教师在支持第一代学生方面经验丰富, 在职父母和其他感兴趣的团体获得BSW学位.  Our curriculum is fully accredited by the 社会工作及澳门网络博彩网站委员会 (CSWE)–which means you are receiving a degree that is as rigorous as any accredited program in the country.

What characteristics do you look for in a student who is interested in the BSW program at 澳门受权博彩网站?
这是个好问题! The most important characteristic is that you are interested in helping people, 你们愿意学习促进这些实践的新方法. 要做到这一点, you will need to take risks and be flexible by trying new things (interviewing people, asking the correct questions) and be open to receiving feedback regarding areas of improvement. One must possess several key characteristics in order to properly excel: studious, as well as being able to critically examine research in order to discern the best ways to help people, 计算机知识, 因为我们的很多节目都是在线的.  One must also be willing to work hard on developing communication skills – both written and verbal – as that is the most important quality cited by employers about valued employees in this field. 最后也是最重要的一点, one needs to be a responsible and ethical professional who realizes that behavior not only affects ones’ self, 但你所服务的人.

Accreditation from the 社会工作及澳门网络博彩网站委员会 (CSWE) enables professionals and other schools to know that you have achieved a certain standard of excellence in your education. Accreditation also enables graduating BSW students to be considered for “advanced standing” in a Master of Social Work (MSW) program. This may allow the student to skip courses in their Master degree studies and obtain a MSW in a full calendar year (summer, 秋天, 春天). 然而, please note that accreditation does not guarantee a student advance standing – MSW programs decide that on a case-by-case basis.

自2005年以来,澳门受权博彩网站的课程已获得CSWE的全面认证. A CSWE accreditation is considered the “gold standard” of social work education, 需要实现许多基准和成就.

All of the helping professions seek to assist persons using a knowledge base of expertise developed by researchers. Social workers use the “generalist” perspective which means using information, 合乎道德的技术或资源, 有效地帮助客户. We utilize a “person in environment” or “ecosystems” approach which maintains that in order to help someone, you must also deal with the situation that contributed to causing their problem.


Students with no prior college, please provide an official high school transcript or GED. Students with prior college credit  must submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges. 

将正式成绩单寄至 admissions@thefurryfam.com.


托马斯维尔,GA 31792


The 劳工统计局 separates social workers in to four categories:
  • 孩子,家庭和学校
  • 医疗保健
  • 精神健康和药物滥用
  • 所有其他社会工作者

The 劳工统计局 estimates an increase of 16% in this field through 2026. The largest number of positions are expected to specialize in helping children and 家庭 or work in school settings.

来源: 劳工统计局

Graduates of this program are also prepared to pursue master’s degrees in a variety of human service careers such as Social Work, 心理学, 和咨询.





托马斯维尔,GA 31792