


Your financial aid eligibility is determined by a variety of factors and can be impacted by enrolling in too few credit, 减少或增加课程和退出课程.

The information below will assist you in understanding the factors at play in determining your financial aid eligibility. Please note that most forms and all information regarding your eligibility are available in your student portal, “鹰链”.


你的联邦援助在秋季分两期支付(支付到你的账户上), 和春天.  (如果你打算注册夏季学期,请参阅夏季学期标签).   Each term, your aid is disbursed onto your student billing account about a week after the census day. 你的资助只有在下列情况下才能发放:

  1. 你没有悬而未决的等待或要求. 您总是可以检入需求 “鹰链” 在“经济援助”和“我的资格”下.”
  2. 你已经获得并接受了你的经济资助.
  3. 所有贷款所需的本票都已签署,贷款咨询已完成.
  4. 你注册的学分将计入你的援助资格. Courses may be excluded due to retaking a previously passed course (only one such retake is allowed for federal aid purposes), 作为本科生学习研究生水平的课程, 在不能转学到TU的合作学校学习课程, 或者被列入候补名单.  在一个期限结束后接受贷款资金, 学生必须成功修满前一学期至少一半的学分。. 如果贷款期间包括前一个期限和当前期限, the student also must be enrolled a minimum of half-time in the current term to be eligible for any loan disbursement. 如果学生只获得一个学期的贷款(e.g., 只适用于秋季学期), 助学金必须在该学期结束前提供并被接受. Federal regulations mandate that a loan for a term that has already ended can be certified only if the student is currently enrolled at least half-time and there has been no gap in enrollment
  5. 您的预期注册与您的实际注册相符. 全日制学生的助学金总是打包的. 如果你不是全职的,你的预算和援助可能需要调整. 如果你的计划不是全日制的,你必须提交一份注册修改表.
学生水平 全职 3/4的时间 半场


本科 12 + 9-11 6-8



12 + 9-11 6-8



9 + N/A 5-8


  • 由于学生在人口普查日期的官方入学水平而需要减少援助, 减少的费用通常会在学生的TU账户上产生一个余额. 如果因为掉学分而有学费退还, 学费退款将用于减少学生帐户上的到期余额.
  • A student whose 人口普查日期 enrollment is less than half-time is not eligible for any federal student loans. 在这种情况下,将退还该期限的全部贷款金额. 贷款资金的返还将在学生的TU账户上产生账单, 而且还减少了学生贷款的未偿还本金余额.
  • Any current term financial aid disbursed after the 人口普查日期 will be based on the student’s official enrollment on the 人口普查日期 or their actual number of credits enrolled at the time of disbursement, 以较低者为准. 在人口普查日期之后增加的积分不能用于增加援助资格.


下面的图表显示了每个基金类型的最低注册资格. 在学生的账户上进行支付, 他们的入学也必须与他们被授予的入学相匹配.

援助类型 大学肄业生 学士学位阶段后的 研究生
联邦佩尔助学金* 1 N/A N/A
联邦增刊. 建造. Opp. 格兰特 6 N/A N/A
联邦斯塔福德贷款 & 到凶手 6 6 5
联邦PLUS贷款 6 6 5
奖学金 因奖学金而异,请咨询奖学金协调员

*联邦佩尔助学金必须根据入学人数按比例发放. 全日制(12+学分)获得100%, 3/4次(9-11学分)获得75%, 1/2次(6-8学分)占50%,少于1/2次(1-5学分)占25%. 少于全日制的入学可能导致没有资格获得佩尔助学金.


经济援助支付到你的学生账户,支付你的学费和其他大学费用.  如果你的援助金额不包括你的填补费用, 你可以和商务办公室订一个付款计划. 如果你的资助金额大于你的学生账户上的合格费用, 差额将由学生会计办公室退还给你. The 学生账户 Office is responsible for processing refunds from a student’s account once financial aid has been applied. 如果您对账单或退款有任何疑问,请联系学生账户.

Students who receive money from Federal Work-Study programs are paid wages for the hours worked during the pay period. 这些资金不用于支付学生的学费和杂费. Federal Work-Study funds are paid out through a regular paycheck which comes from the Human Resources Department and is generally available bi-weekly.


如果你有直接存款设置, your refund will be directly deposited to your bank account and should be available after the census day. 你可以通过你的 “鹰链” 在我的分类帐部分下. 这是最快,最有效的方式收到您的退款.


辍学会在几个方面影响你的经济援助. 援助是基于你的注册级别 人口普查日期 每一项的. 为本科生, 全日制状态为12个或以上学分, 3/4的时间是9-11学分, 1/2是6-8学分, 半场结束前是1-5个学分. 非全日制入学可能会影响你的经济援助资格. Students enrolled less than halftime are not eligible to receive most types of aid including federal student loans. 如果你的计划不是全职的,你必须提交一份 注册修改表 (可在 “鹰链”)到财政援助办公室.

每学期的经济援助资格是基于你的注册水平 人口普查日期. 在这一天, 预算和经济援助会根据你当时的入学水平进行调整和锁定. 如果你的助学金是以全职的方式支付的,而你在人口普查日还不是全职的, your budget will be revised and your aid may need to be reduced to reflect your 人口普查日期 enrollment. 此修订可能会在您的TU学生账单帐户上创建一个新的账单.


人口普查日期是你的入学被锁定为经济援助目的的时间点. 在秋季和春季学期, 人口普查恰逢你可以在TU退课全额学费的最后日期. 在这学期的这个时候, credit hours are locked and financial aid for the term is adjusted to reflect the student’s official enrolled credits. 例如, if the student received aid at the beginning of the term based on full-time enrollment and then dropped credits, aid is then revised to match their eligibility based on the number of credits enrolled in as of the 人口普查日期 and types of aid that were awarded. 如果学生在人口普查日期后退出所有课程, 可能需要进一步的援助调整.


在夏季学期,人口普查与你可以在第一学期添加课程的最后日期一致. 在夏季人口普查日期之后放弃课程可能会导致你的佩尔助学金被撤销. 你必须 participate in all of your courses in order to earn the federal financial aid that is disbursed for that term. If you drop a course before that course began or if we are unable to verify your participation in a course, 我们被要求撤销为该课程支付的任何佩尔助学金. 被撤销的佩尔将被送回澳门网络博彩网站部. 这种援助的逆转可能会在你的TU学生账单账户上产生新的账单. 什么是经济援助普查?

夏季学期是独特的,因为有些课程没有跨越整个11周的学期. 在夏季学期, 如果你在课程开始前退了一门课, 我们被要求撤销为该课程支付的任何佩尔助学金. 被撤销的佩尔将被送回澳门网络博彩网站部. 这种援助的逆转可能会在你的TU学生账单账户上产生新的账单.

在人口普查日期之后放弃或退出课程, 是否也会影响你当前和未来的经济资助资格. 撤回 所有课程,未完成课程(非正式退学),或未完成课程 参与 在课程中,可能导致部分或全部丧失该学期的资助资格. 未来的任期资格将取决于继续作出 令人满意的学业进展.


You are assumed to be full-time (12 credits undergraduate/9 credits graduate) unless you tell us otherwise. 如果你的注册不匹配,你的经济援助不会支付,直到我们 人口普查日期. 以避免任何延误, 在学期开始之前,通过提交一份申请表格,让我们知道你的入学计划 注册版本 form. Most types of aid require at least half-time enrollment (6 credits undergraduate/5 credits graduate).


FAFSA申请使用的是前几年的税务数据, 这可能并不总是你当前情况的准确反映. The Department of 澳门网络博彩网站 allows for an institution to use professional judgment to change certain elements of the FAFSA application if adequate documentation can be provided. 如果你或你的家人失业了, 婚姻状况的变化, 或者其他特殊情况, 你可以向我们办公室申诉,要求审查你的情况. 如果得到批准, 你的联邦援助资格和经济需求可能会被重新计算, 根据新的信息. 你必须 提交FAFSA in the standard way and then submit your additional documentation for your special conditions appeal. 有关特殊情况上诉的更多信息, 请联系财政援助办公室.


在以下情况下,可以修改你的经济援助或出勤费用, 接受先前拒绝的贷款, 减少以前接受但尚未发放的贷款, 父母或学生的非自愿收入损失, 超出一般开支,如医疗和儿童保育费用, 一台电脑的成本, 学费超过了你的经济援助预算.

修订申请表格: Use this form to make changes to your financial aid such as enrollment changes for future terms and increasing and decreasing your Stafford Loans.

2018/2019年度费用增加表: You may have your estimated cost of attendance increased for costs resulting from special circumstances that were not included in the original financial aid calculation. 这些费用的例子是不包括在保险范围内的大笔自付医疗费用, 儿童保育成本, 或者购买一台电脑的成本. An increase in your cost of attendance does not automatically equal an increase in your financial aid unless you have remaining eligibility. 最后,如果你想增加附加贷款或替代贷款,你可能需要申请另一笔贷款. 咨询学生经济援助办公室,了解你的具体情况.

2018/2019学生重新评估请求: Use this form to request a re-evaluation of your financial aid based on changes in your and/or your spouse’s financial status. 适用的情况包括:离婚, 分离, or death of a spouse whose income is listed on your FAFSA; loss of income due to disabling illness or injury; involuntary loss of employment; involuntary reduction or elimination of monetary benefits from an outside agency/person (such as Social 安全 benefits or child support).

2018/2019家长重新评估请求: Use this form to request a re-evaluation of your financial aid based on changes in your parents’ financial status. 适用的情况包括:离婚, 分离, or death of a parent whose income is listed on your FAFSA; loss of income due to disabling illness or injury; involuntary loss of employment; involuntary reduction or elimination of monetary benefits from an outside agency/person (such as Social 安全 benefits or child support).


你有责任管理你的经济援助经历, so be sure to check your “鹰链” frequently and review any emails you receive from us as they may include requests for additional information or action. 请致电(229)584-2460,发邮件至 finaid@thefurryfam.com,如果您有任何问题,请随时来找我们,我们随时为您服务!



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